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How to have a cost-effective trip to Banff, Calgary, Canada - 穷游班夫国家公园-王山而

These tips are from a guest blogger and dear friend Rui Pan. She and her hubby took a 6 days trip to Banff and Jasper, in Calgary, Alberta. While I had another friend make a similar trip and spent literally over $6000 for a week away trip, Pan and Danny found a way to save some of that mullah and still have a great trip. - Her article is in Chinese so I did my best to get the gist of it for you. Enjoy! Translated in first person lingo...

自从last minute取消了八月中回国的机票,心中的失落感就未曾减少过。临时决定和老公去开车去阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里的班夫国家公园Road trip一个礼拜。走出曼尼托巴平原去看看外省的山山水水,好让眼睛开开眼界,摆脱一个礼拜的审美疲劳。 My trip to China got cancelled and my hubby and I decided to go visit Banff instead.



Banff is very beautiful, but it can be pretty pricey. The cheapest hotel we found was $250/night and needed to be booked a week earlier. So we decided to combine hardcore outdoor camping and staying at hostels.

2 nights in the hostel cost $70/night x2 = $280 and camping was $30/night and we planned to camp for three nights. Total for 5 nights now $360. ($10 discount)



We drove for 15 hours straight - Left at 6:00am and arrived at 8:00pm - taking turns to drive 2-3 hours each. The hostel unique compared to hotels because you even have your own kitchen. Owner is very thoughtful prepared all the things you can find in a hotel

第二天在市中心的T&T(大统华)屯好食物后前往目的地搭帐篷,看着天上的蓝天白云和近在咫尺的雪山,好像是在梦游似的。 Went to T &T grocery store before heading into the mountain to camp


Camp had restrooms and shower stalls. The staff even had their camp dog on guard. So cool

从露营区开车不到10分钟就到了Two-Jack Lake,虽然并不是十分著名的景点,但也阻挡不了人们在清澈见底的湖里划船游泳。当我看到这水碧山青地方第一想法就是以后要带爸妈还有弟弟来看看,和他们一起分享这天上人间般的美景。

Two-Jack Lake is only 10 mins drive from the camping site. You can go canoeing, boating, kayaking and so on. I want to take my family here in the future.

第三天去了Johnston Canyon, 沿途走完三个小时的峡谷,听着溪水潺潺的流水声,呼吸这森林里无以计数的负离子,你会觉得筋骨松散不少,精神也爽朗了。

The third day visited Johnston Canyon on a 3 hour hiking trip.

傍晚来到最著名的路易斯湖时阴雨绵绵 ,可依然看得到她仙境般的面容。记得第一次来的时候就默默对自己说:以后不管怎样都要带家人在这路易斯湖旁的酒店住上一晚上,早上一醒来就可以走出阳台看到这天堂般的景象。虽然愿望还没实现,但是弟弟来过之后就已赞口不绝。

Later that night we went to Louis Lake. My dream is to spend a night in the hotel beside Louis Lake and when I wake up I can enjoy the view first thing in the morning.


We stayed in the tent for one night. The second night it was getting too cold so we changed plans to stay in a youth hotel. $30/bed and one room had 20 plus people staying in it. Also share a kitchen and living room. I enjoyed this boarding room style, community feeling style.


Jasper is has more awesome natural scenery than Banff. You can walk for a day and not get tired of the beautiful scenes and we also ran into a deer family eating by the lake


Waved to the people on the lake

I feel it was a great trip. In total two people for 5 nights and 6 days, spent $1165 which includes $350 for gas and $390 for boarding and $425 for food. Other people said the hotel beside Louis Lake $2000 for 2 night ($1000/night)


Thanks for reading, hope this tip helps