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New Financial Freedom During the Pandemic

Women are among the demographics most negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of women have lost their jobs, been forced to put their careers on hold, or had to return home to care for kids once daycare was no longer affordable. This has placed financial freedom for these women in jeopardy.

However, you can reacquire your financial freedom and make even more money than before, thanks to these tips and resources from Nectar of Stories.

Fight for Your Future Through School

For many women, financial freedom comes with a college degree. Fortunately, online schools for business, business initiation, marketing, and other subjects are more accessible than ever before. It’s a great time to go back to school and finish your education or acquire a new degree to switch careers depending on your professional preferences.

With the right online school, you can complete your education while upholding family responsibilities. Who knows? Maybe getting laid off from your job during the pandemic was actually a blessing in disguise!

Start Your Own Business

There’s nothing more financially free than beginning your own business. When you own your own company, no one can fire you and your business will thrive or struggle based on the effort you put into it.

If you already have an idea for an entrepreneurial venture, write it out and come up with a business plan. You can make an online business doing practically anything, ranging from selling handmade products to selling third-party products to working as a marketing agency or something else entirely.

To maximize your business’s financial freedom, consider filing it as an LLC or limited liability company. Not only will this protect you from lawsuits, but it will also give you hefty tax advantages and the freedom to hire employees later down the road. Check your state’s website for rules regarding LLC formation so you know what paperwork to file and what fees to pay.

Your business will also be more successful with a quality online marketing campaign. The right marketing campaign will involve:

●        Keyword targeted ads for your target audience

●        Social media marketing

●        Banner ads for related websites to your niche or industry

In addition to the above, prepare an elevator pitch that you have at the ready whenever a potential client appears. Be sure to have a handful of business cards on hand too. These you can create yourself using a free online business card design tool. Look for one that offers a range of templates so you can fully customize your card to fit your business.

Pursue Passive Income Streams

For some, financial freedom simply means having money flowing into the bank account with a minimum of effort. Passive income streams of the way to go if this is the case for you, and they include:

●        Working as an affiliate marketer

●        Making a blog network and selling advertising space on those blogs

●        Making and selling online courses over and over

●        Selling digital products or stock photos online


Financial Freedom Can Be Yours

No matter your starting point, skills, or goals, you can achieve financial freedom online even in the wake of the pandemic. Many women have already taken these steps and have reclaimed their financial independence despite losing their careers or suffering other monetary challenges. So don’t wait – get the financial freedom you deserve today!

For more uplifting, inspiring, and informative content, explore Nectar of Stories.

Photo via Pexels